No 1 browser "IE9" is going to hit the web on 14th march

After a successful one year of  Eight platform previews, one Beta, one Release Candidate, and now the best of the all is coming as the final version is going to be released on 14th march that is coming Monday to the world of web. IE 9 (Internet Explorer 9) will be available for download beginning at 9 p.m. Pacific world wide. We have seen so many drastic changes in the IE9 since its first preview exactly one year ago but still its not the best. More surprises are waiting and ready to come, just make count on it. 

So all get set go to watch the new sensation of Internet Explorer with HTML5, CSS3 and lots more with new Java Script pinch of Chakra. Just wait and be ready to see the blast of IE9 on this monday.
Courtesy: Windows Team Blog


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Arvind Kumar
I'm Arvind Kumar from India, B.Tech, now working in a MNC. I love to use Microsoft Products and learn from that. Bill Gates is my ideal person.
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