Now chat with Facebook friends via Windows Live Messenger 2011

We all are geeks but still we are part of various social networks and used to chat with all. Its a great news for all Windows Live Users that the Windows Live Essential 2011 is already out from the beta phase and now we can easily chat with our Facebook friends via Windows Live Messenger easily as in an integrated service to chat with them is made available in this new edition. This excitingly new and awesome feature is made available in several countries like  Canada, Australia, Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Turkey, United States, United Kingdom, France, Brazil, Germany, and Russia including India and the list will get updated soon. There are more than 300 million customers of Windows Live Essential worldwide and the counter goes on.

In order to use this integrated chat feature simply login to Windows Live using your Windows Live ID and then wither visit to Windows Live Services or you'll be directly prompted for that when you'll sign in first time to Windows Live Essential 2011.

Allow the chat option to be integrated in Windows Live Messenger so that you can chat with your Facebook friends via Windows Live.

Finally you are connected to Facebook and now you can even opt to add yourself to other services too.

Have a look of this amazing feature where you can easily chat with your Windows Live friends and even the Facebook friends. Just see the screenshot give below.

So isn't it simple and great. That's the Windows Computing.


MSN Fun said...

Very nice Blog ;D

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Arvind Kumar
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