Apple introducing iPhone 4 with lots of more new features.

Apple is introducing iPhone4 is now with many features which is exciting new generations users. As we all are just only trying meet up the requirements to have iPhone but side by side Apple was creating new dishes over their labs. In order to make the iPhone much more powerful, more indispensable with an easy touch they came up with iPhone 4.


With its lots of new features it is now coming up with end user perspective to give them facility to make their life easier. Features are like as:
  • Face Time
  • HD Video Recording and Editing
  • 5 MegaPixel Camera with LED flash
  • Retina Display
  • MultiTasking and lots of more.
For full fledged detail sof features visit here.
About iPhone.


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Arvind Kumar
I'm Arvind Kumar from India, B.Tech, now working in a MNC. I love to use Microsoft Products and learn from that. Bill Gates is my ideal person.
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