Microsoft launched new Website: Windows

Windows Is Launched

On the day of CES Microsoft came up with the go-to sit for their customers to learn about the "Compatible with Windows 7" logo program. This site simply meant to emphasize on the value of the Windows logo program and to help customers to educate them on this issue. It is directly linked to the Windows 7 Compatibility center and encourages the customers to discover the products that have earned the Windows logo.

Its just one way which can help customers in learning more about te value of the Windows 7 logo program with addition of increased visibility as a featured component on a variety of consumer Web Sites. simply ensures that if your product is marked with the Window logo then it is sure that all your software, devices, and printers install readily and run reliably.


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Arvind Kumar
I'm Arvind Kumar from India, B.Tech, now working in a MNC. I love to use Microsoft Products and learn from that. Bill Gates is my ideal person.
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