Google organizing model your town competition

There are lots of geo modeles all over world who use to make photo-textured models of real-life buildings appearing in Google earth as there hobby and interest. Some people use Google SketchUp for all sorts of things. This time Google is coming with the 3D modelling challenge which is by far the biggest they have ver launched.

Google Model Your Town Competition is not only confined to the students but its for everyone, everywhere in the world.  Only you have to form a team, model buildings (using SketchUp or Building Maker) and upload them by the end of February 2010.

If your town wins, a bunch of us from the SketchUp team will visit, throw you a party and do our best to make you look like the local hero that you are. There are other prizes, too – check out the competition website for details, and start rounding up teammates!

Click here to go.


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Arvind Kumar
I'm Arvind Kumar from India, B.Tech, now working in a MNC. I love to use Microsoft Products and learn from that. Bill Gates is my ideal person.
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