Encrypt docs in Office 2010 using Password protect

We can protect our Word, Excel, PowerPoint docs in Office 2010 using the password encryption so that from next time whenever we try to open that document will prompt us for the password to open the file. In case we know the exact and valid password then only we are able to access the file else not.
The password encryption can be set to the doocument using the Offfice Backstage view. Steps to follow for the one are:

Step 1:

After clicking on the Office button above view comes in front of us.

Step 2:

Click on the Protect Document/Workbook/Presentation option and then select "Encrypt with Password".

Step 3:

Now set the Password to Encrypt the document. Remember the one you set here.

Step 4:

Reenter the password to confirm it.

Step 5:

Encryption completed and now when we try to open the document which you have encrypted will prompt us for the passsword in order to open the document.
Thats all !!! Happy Windows Computing.


Unknown said...

How encryption with password is different from protecting with password?

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Arvind Kumar
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